
Angular Momentum Of The Earth

Where Did the Earth Come From?

Image Source/Epitome Source/Getty Images

Astrophysicists believe the Globe and the balance of the solar system is the result of the Big Bang and its explosions of massive stars. The Large Bang and the stellar explosions, called supernovas, blasted untold amounts of material into infinite. Somewhen, the affair cooled down and began to clump together into a hot, spinning cloud that somewhen became a solar nebula.

These events occurred not long after the Big Bang, about 13 billion years ago. Almost 4.five to 5 billion years ago, scientists believe that the solar nebula began to spin and contract, most likely due to the influence of another nearby supernova. As it spun, the center of the solar nebula coalesced, ignited and became the sun. Rocky material in the solar nebula began to clump together in a process called delinquent accretion. This procedure created the terrestrial planets that now orbit the sun. One of these planets was the Earth.

At first, the Globe was volcanic and so hot that metals began to melt and sink into what became its core. Layers of other materials surrounded the core and gave ascension to the Globe's magnetic field. Eventually, the World began to absurd, water and primitive life began to announced and oxygen entered the atmosphere.

Angular Momentum Of The Earth,


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